6 Things You Should Know Before Buying NFT
Most people these days are talking about NFTs or non-fungible tokens. Whatever your thoughts are on NFTs, there is little doubt that the market for NFTs has exploded. According to recent estimates, the market price could reach $40 billion, which would be a hundred times higher than four years ago. Speculations abound, as they do with anything new. Some people believe that NFTs have reached a tipping point and that the bubble is about to burst. Others argue that this is simply the tip of the iceberg because NFT development is just starting. The volatility of sentiments confuses investors, who are already disoriented by the chaotic environment and unable to decide whether or not to speculate on NFTs and the amount of value a particular NFT project possesses. In reality, such confusion stems primarily from misconceptions about NFTs. Non-fungible tokens square measure up to digital images floating around the internet. Here’s an overview of NFTs, why they need a future, and what const...